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Программа, которая предназначена для добавления водяных знаков. Водяные знаки могут быть текстовые, а также в виде изображения которое можно вращать. Easy Watermarker helps you add visible transparent text and image watermarks to any picture to protect them from unauthorized distribution. The watermark can be any text such as copy right or company website or it can be any image you can create such as company logos. Easy Watermarker gives you the freedom to place your watermark where ever you point the mouse on your image also to rotate your watermark image from 0 to 360 degrees. FEATURES: Change the transparency of your watermark to blend with your image. Stamp your images with text or image watermarks. Customize your text watermark. Choose your font, color, style etc... Support for a wide variety of images including jpeg, gif, bmp, tif, png. Edit watermarks in a convenient graphical interface. Emboss watermark text. Rotate watermark image. Small file size. Лекарство: Присутствует Размер: 1.07 MB